HS2T2ZPMP - 2 Temp, 2 Zone by Pump Zoning Panel
This Zone Panel works with various Master Panels and is utilized when more than one thermostat is required in the system. The Zone Panel extracts the processed heated fluid from the Master Panel and redistributes to each thermostat emitter zone. The emitter circuit has hydraulic separation from the Master Panel for independent flow adjustments for each of the emitter zoning circuits. Two water delivery temperatures can be created from the boiler temperature and the other with the on board mixing valve. This panel is required when some emitters need different water delivery temperatures to perform.
• Must be installed with a master radiant heat integrator panel
• 3 speed zoning pump
• 3/4" FPT supply to emitter
• 3/4" FPT return from emitter
• 1" FPT supply from master radiant heat integrator panel
• 1" FPT return to master radiant heat integrator panel
• Cord to connect to primary pump on master radiant heat integrator panel
• 10' cord with plug
• Temperature gauge to aid in mixing
Compatible Master Panels Required
Pair with one of our Hydro-Smart panels that are pre-wired, pre-plumbed and pressure tested for and easy and reliable radiant heating solution.

Required Number of Thermostats:
One for each Zone